Social Security Agreement between Japan and China to be effective in September
Number of partner countries in Social Security Agreement is gradually increasing, reaching 19 countries as of August 2019. The next is the one between Japan and China, which becomes effective on September 1st, after it has been signed off in May 2018. Given many business persons residing in the two countries, this Japan-China agreement should have one of the largest impact in history of the agreements.
This agreement resolves the duplicated payment of pension premium for a business person to work in the other country, rather temporarily for less than five years. Once the agreement becomes effective such a business person has to participate only in pension system of his / her home country. This is called as “Elimination of Dual Coverage”.
Social Security Agreement with the most of other countries includes also so-called “Totalization of Periods of Coverage” on top to the “Elimination of Dual Coverage”. It should be however noted that the Japan-China agreement does not cover the totalization part, as with the agreement of Japan-UK and Japan-Korea.
For the world talents from other countries, please see a table of social security agreements that have been signed and implemented so far between partner countries and Japan
Link: Social Security Agreement – Partner Countries and Agreement Scope (as of August 2019)