Permanent Resident (PR): The Best way, when Changing Job, for your future PR Application
This series of blog posts explain how you should change your job, to make your future PR application most straightforward. In this first blog post, three scenarios are stated and listed in preference order as follows. Blog posts to follow explain details and backgrounds behind.
When you change your job, you may have a period of interruption between two consecutive employments. In other words, you leave one company, spend some time as unemployed and then join another at a later date. Or you may have no such interruption between two consecutive employments, i.e. you leave the current employer and join the next on the following day.
For your future PR application, this “period of interruption between two consecutive employments” has rather significant implication. This series of blog posts explain it.
Three Scenarios
In terms of the interruption between two consecutive employments, three scenarios are described below in an order of the most preferred to the least.
- The most preferred scenario: No interruption at all, even for a day.
- Scenario: You leave one company on one day and join another on the following day.
- Implications:
- You do not have to enroll yourself in National Health Insurance nor National Pension.
- HR of two companies do all what are required to transition of your enrollment in health care and pension, leaving nothing for you to do for the transition.
- PR application: No additional document is required to prove your payments for health care and pension.
- Note: Make sure no interruption even during weekend. For example,
- If you leave on Friday, ask HR of your new company to have Saturday as your start date of employment.
- If you join on Monday, ask HR of your old company to have Sunday as your end date of employment.
- Less preferred scenario: Interruption not going beyond month-end.
- Scenario: You leave one company on one day and join another by end of the same month.
- Implications:
- You do not have to enroll yourself in National Pension.
- You however have to enroll yourself in National Health Insurance at your local government office.
- If your next employment starts by the last day of the month, you are not supposed to be charged for enrollment with National Health Insurance for the month (or to be entitled for reimbursement if charged due to process timing issues). If your next employment does not start by the last day of the month, you will be charged for the enrollment. Please contact your local government office for details.
- PR application: No additional document is required to prove your payments for pension. Additional documents are however required to prove your payment for National Heath Insurance at your local government office.
- The least preferred scenario: Interruption going beyond month-end.
- Scenario: You leave one company on one day and join another in the following month or later.
- Implications:
- You have to enroll yourself in both National Pension at your local pension office AND in National Health Insurance at your local government office and pay for them by yourself for the period of interruption.
- PR application: Additional documents are required to prove your payment for National Pension and National Heath Insurance.
The next blog posts (2nd, 3rd) to follow explain the scenarios and backgrounds in more details.
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