Annual Wage Survey for 2019: Salary of World Talents in Japan Covered First Time
Annual wage survey conducted in 2019 by Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has covered salaries of world talents in Japan for the first time in history. The statistics out of the survey have been published in March 2020.
Average salary of world talents in Japan is as follows:
Source: MHLW Press Release: “Statistics of 2019 annual wage survey are ready to be released”
(1) Full-time Worker – JPY 223,100 per month(Ave age: 33.4, Ave years of service: 3.1)
(2) Part-time Worker – JPY 1,068 per hour (Ave age: 29.1, Ave years of service: 1.7)
These average salaries are lower than overall average including both Japanese workers and world talents (see below): by 28% for the full timers and by 7% for the part-timers. This difference should be mainly due to difference in age profile: the world talents are much younger in average than the overall average ages by 10 to 17 years. Lacking large population of middle aged full-time workers, who typically earns more, among world talents should be main contribution to the large 28% difference.
- Overall average including both world talents and Japanese:
- Full-time Worker – JPY 307,700 per month (Ave age: 43.1, Ave years of service: 12.4)
- Part-time Worker – JPY 1,148 per hour (Ave age: 46.1, Ave years of service: 6.0)
For more details, please visit the following MHLW sites.
- MHLW – Press Release: “Statistics of 2019 annual wage survey are ready to be released” (PDF in Japanese)
- MHLW – 2019 Annual Wage Survey – Overview (Web site in a Japanese) (Web site in Japanese)
- MHLW – 2019 Annual Wage Survey – Foreign Workers (PDF in a Japanese)